Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bring Woeste at cost with Henkel?

Düsseldorf - The applause was as big as it is the confidence of members: About 90 percent chose Albrecht Woeste in Fortune's new and now finally complete the Supervisory Board.
In the same body he's still up to 9 Henkel operates in September, then leaves the 73-year-old. Big question: Does the world Woeste Group debut as a gift back to Fortuna? Eleven years ago, the company logo emblazoned ever been to Düsseldorf's jerseys, forgotten is also the chair of the legendary former coach Pattex Aleks Ristic.
"Henkel has always identified with Düsseldorf and also for the Fortuna something done. And will, if the feeling is there, that you can fraternize identify again and also again be there, "announces Woeste deep green would be a great coup. He landed another right away at the extraordinary general meeting.
After the chaos in April, when resignations and withdrawals for riots and ensured the event had to be halted, this time Kuschel course was announced. No insults, three good new Supervisory Board of a high quality field of applicants (in addition Woeste sat still Burchard von Arnim and boys by Günter Karen) - This evening was impressive. The new board was formed, which is using the board and may remove also choose a new chairman.
It is interesting to see if the current CEO Dr. Dirk Kall keeps his job, or Woeste is with the consent of the members of large new strong man. "The numbers in Fortuna must be transparent," said Woeste. "Then waving businesses who want to become a sponsor, not from."
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