Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Debacle for cooking - but no clear majority

Wiesbaden / Hanover - CDU: 36.8%, SPD: 36.7%, FDP: 9.4%, Greens: 7.5%, left: 5.1%.
Mega-damper for Prime Minister Roland Koch in Hesse! He and his CDU lost dramatically. By contrast, the SPD won strong with top candidate, Andrea Ypsilanti to stand almost on a par with the CDU.
Andrea Ypsilanti beamed with happiness about the strong performance of their party. Now they have to see whether and how to get a government majority in parliament.
Roland Koch was a long time in coming. Hesse's Minister for hours barricaded himself in his office. Against 20 clock he appeared. Blass, the view is empty, the disappointment was on his face, he admitted: "It is not easy for us personally and also for me." But it had a "smear campaign" given the political opponents against him.
Koch, who is father of the country for nine years in Hesse, the big loser of the election night - even if his party is just 0.1 percentage points ahead of the SPD and the CDU is the strongest party in order) (interim final result.
 Koch's CDU drove a the worst result for 42 years. The loss of 12 percentage points is a "brutalstmöglicher" crash for the CDU politician who has ruled since 2003 by an absolute majority in Hesse. His campaigns against foreign criminals earned him no points.
But despite dramatic losses - the election night was an exciting detective story. A nail-biter. In the early evening the comrades Andrea Ypsilanti freshly celebrated as prime minister. But under the cries of victory from Andrea Ypsilanti ( "Social democracy is back") mingled sometimes doubt whether everything really succeed.
 Shortly afterwards it was clear: The hoped-for majority of the SPD with the Greens do not exist. But for the CDU and FDP, it is not enough - because the Left Party managed in the Diet.
 And thus remain possible coalition combinations remains an open question. It is common only: The FDP has already rejected in the evening from a traffic light coalition with the SPD and Greens. But there are optmistisch Andrea Ypsilanti to be able to negotiate once more with the Liberals.
Possible coalitions - that will be the days of the issue in Hesse. SPD leader Kurt Beck ruled out an alliance with the Left Party in Hesse. About the election results but he enthused: "We are experiencing a majority-Social Democracy."
 And just let the muscles in the direction of coalition partners will play Union. Beck: The Union must now see that there is a will among the citizens to social justice.
The result in figures:
According to the official provisional final results come in Hesse diebisher sole governing Christian Democratic Union only to 36.8 percent of Stimmen.Vor five years it was 48.8 percent. The SPD was able to ihrerSpitzenkandidatin Andrea Ypsilanti to the election in 2003 grow from 29.1 to 36.7 percent. In the new parliament, the FDP are also mit9, 4 (7.9) and the Greens at 7.5 percent (10.1 percent) vertreten.Die left at 5.1 percent, just managed to jump over dieFünf-percent hurdle.
Also of interest
Wulff wins - SPD historically weak