Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Debacle for cooking - but no clear majority

Wiesbaden / Hanover - CDU: 36.8%, SPD: 36.7%, FDP: 9.4%, Greens: 7.5%, left: 5.1%.
Mega-damper for Prime Minister Roland Koch in Hesse! He and his CDU lost dramatically. By contrast, the SPD won strong with top candidate, Andrea Ypsilanti to stand almost on a par with the CDU.
Andrea Ypsilanti beamed with happiness about the strong performance of their party. Now they have to see whether and how to get a government majority in parliament.
Roland Koch was a long time in coming. Hesse's Minister for hours barricaded himself in his office. Against 20 clock he appeared. Blass, the view is empty, the disappointment was on his face, he admitted: "It is not easy for us personally and also for me." But it had a "smear campaign" given the political opponents against him.
Koch, who is father of the country for nine years in Hesse, the big loser of the election night - even if his party is just 0.1 percentage points ahead of the SPD and the CDU is the strongest party in order) (interim final result.
 Koch's CDU drove a the worst result for 42 years. The loss of 12 percentage points is a "brutalstmöglicher" crash for the CDU politician who has ruled since 2003 by an absolute majority in Hesse. His campaigns against foreign criminals earned him no points.
But despite dramatic losses - the election night was an exciting detective story. A nail-biter. In the early evening the comrades Andrea Ypsilanti freshly celebrated as prime minister. But under the cries of victory from Andrea Ypsilanti ( "Social democracy is back") mingled sometimes doubt whether everything really succeed.
 Shortly afterwards it was clear: The hoped-for majority of the SPD with the Greens do not exist. But for the CDU and FDP, it is not enough - because the Left Party managed in the Diet.
 And thus remain possible coalition combinations remains an open question. It is common only: The FDP has already rejected in the evening from a traffic light coalition with the SPD and Greens. But there are optmistisch Andrea Ypsilanti to be able to negotiate once more with the Liberals.
Possible coalitions - that will be the days of the issue in Hesse. SPD leader Kurt Beck ruled out an alliance with the Left Party in Hesse. About the election results but he enthused: "We are experiencing a majority-Social Democracy."
 And just let the muscles in the direction of coalition partners will play Union. Beck: The Union must now see that there is a will among the citizens to social justice.
The result in figures:
According to the official provisional final results come in Hesse diebisher sole governing Christian Democratic Union only to 36.8 percent of Stimmen.Vor five years it was 48.8 percent. The SPD was able to ihrerSpitzenkandidatin Andrea Ypsilanti to the election in 2003 grow from 29.1 to 36.7 percent. In the new parliament, the FDP are also mit9, 4 (7.9) and the Greens at 7.5 percent (10.1 percent) vertreten.Die left at 5.1 percent, just managed to jump over dieFünf-percent hurdle.
Also of interest
Wulff wins - SPD historically weak

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Loew explains number-1-question

The continuous struggle for a place in the German goal will soon be over. According EXPRESS information falls on 3 March, the decision, who as number one on the World Cup to South Africa fährt.Dann enters the DFB team in Munich's Allianz Arena against Argentina.
What is clear is: Who stands against the team and coaches at Gaucho idol Diego Maradona in the gate, will be number one on the World Cup fahren.Dabei everything points to Rene Adler. In the top match at Bayern Munich (1-1), the Leverkusen was the outstanding player on the pitch.
In World Cup qualifying second leg against Russia, he escaped Germany in Moscow, with the gloss parades 1:0-victory and secured the DFB team ahead by a ticket to South Africa. In addition to his sporting qualities impressed the sporting management of the Eagle DFB also by its superior appearance.
"René has shown that one can rely on him," praised coach of the Bayer-Star, "He has all the qualities we expect of a goalkeeper." Bremen's Tim Wiese will be for months, also in excellent shape than number two are ready.
Manuel Neuer has lost after his blunder in the friendly against the Ivory Coast (2-2) to credit. Although DFB goalkeeper coach Andreas Kopke is excited about the tremendous potential of Schalke, but he did not miss too, that New has always play a real blunder in his repertoire.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

So sexy is the Czech Photography

Bonn - Lascivious looks, a lot of bare breasts and bare skin - these erotic photos you can admire since Friday in the Federal Art Gallery.
The theme of the new exhibition: "Czech Photography of the 20th century" - and that was (and is) pretty sexy.
From behind the Iron Curtain because everything was dull and uptight, "The Nude in Czech Republic has a long tradition," explains the project manager responsible for issuing Angelica Francke (47).
"In the socialist regime Nackbilder were banned, but they were still made in secret. For the photographer it was a form of rebellion against the regime. "
The Federal Art Gallery, however, shows not only the erotic images: "They range from 1900 to the millennium, from the avant-garde art of the 20s to the modern documentary photography," says Francke. "The Czech Republic is indeed a small country, but there was always a lot of very good photographer."
The exhibition runs until 26th July, Tue / Wed 10-21 Clock, Thu-Sun 10-19 Clock.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Podolski-secret clause in the contract!

Cologne - It would not be fair to declare the match after just five sporting meltdown. But can we indeed nachhaken times. For there are many questions.
A very important, for example, were these: What happens with Lukas Podolski, where the Rhine cult club should actually descend?
Could Prince Poldi, the one signed Contract to 2013 to leave Cologne then? Free transfer, zero cents? If the approximately ten million €, the Cologne transferred to Bavaria, then gone?
According EXPRESS information has hedged the FC. Drake's sporting catastrophe, Cologne Poldi could no longer hold. However, there is a secret clause. Signing the contract they agreed on a transfer fee enshrined. Around six million € would collect the FC for Poldi, when it is back runterginge.
On request, confirmed CEO and CFO Claus Horstmann the existence of this secret until now construct. "In the event of relegation last year, Luke had not come, that's right. But the inference that he was a free transfer during a descent is false. "
Horstmann, however, stressed that he firmly considers that, in the FC had the class to stay in the Bundesliga.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Breeding bull rushes while having sex in manure pit

Schwalmtal - breeding bull is Mr. Jack more than 60 cattle on the farm of Ken Landis in Schwalmtal.
Now, however, it was his call to destiny: In the middle of mating the 800-kilogram giant fallen and his "queen of hearts" on a metal plate, which conceals the entrance to the manure pit.
The plate slipped, the cow runs - and Jack slips by just 50 by 100 centimeters wide hole into the depths. Hermes desperately try and keep a couple of helpers, Jack - in vain!
 20.34, at the clock emergency call is received by the fire department. 1.80 meters deep is the manure pit, 1.40 m of which are full of stinking manure. Jack desperately holding their noses at the foul liquid. By the fire service he receives air from the bottle, helper fanning air into the pit.
 Then, the first salvage attempt: Military men in shorts and anglers with respirator climb through the second entrance into the pit, try Jack anzugurten. The veterinarian uses a syringe with a sedative.
The colossus is in the belt - it goes up, first the nose, then the whole head - then the shock: Jack slips out the belts!
Once again, seatbelt usage, much more thorough. To clock 22.58, the next attempt. Four minutes later, also failed to. "Get up, get the breaks," exclaims Hermes farmers in despair.
And there's Jack. Only the head with his front legs, then the rest to clock 23.09, he is next to the hole. At first he shrugged wearily to the ear. Then he gets up and staggers towards the pasture. 23.18 clock.
And then the surprise savior Jack remembers amazingly fast to its mission and brings to an end, what he had prevented his fall-manure ...