Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Meisner offers the pope to resign

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Cologne - Archbishop Cardinal Joachim Meisner (74), Pope Benedict XVI. (81) of his resignation from the Office of the Archbishop offered. It should still stay longer in office, took out EXPRESS.
Bishops must offer their resignation to the pope when they are 75 years old. As a rule, they say, they do so up to six months in advance. Meisner - since 1983, Cardinal and Archbishop of Cologne since 1989 - will celebrate on 25 December his 75th Birthday.
According EXPRESS information Meisner announced in early November at the seminary that he had offered to the pope's resignation. "The Cardinal of the Holy Father wrote a letter with the corresponding content" confirmed Diocese spokesman Chris toph Heckeley. "The letter was sent out as normal in the mail." What the Archbishop has just written in any language, whether he wrote a long or short letter - "I do not know either," admits Christopher Heckeley.
The "Code of Canon Law, the Code of the Catholic Church, provides no specific requirements. It says simply: "With the completion of the 75th Age offers a bishop to the pope his resignation. "
This scheme is not so old - it was recorded in 1983 by Pope John Paul II in Canon Law. The pope must accept his resignation did not. And with bishops, who are both Cardinal, he does it is usually not - most of them remain in office until they are 80 years old. So as long as they can choose according to the canon also a new pope.
More to the office of the bishops may show up in the info box!
"If the Holy Father asks me, I move on," Meisner had said several months ago. But even if the pope does not respond, Meisner remains in office. In Rome, is already being discussed to extend the term of office of bishops again - because their pensions are too many with the church on the bag ...! And also: Pope Benedict XVI. itself is already 82 years old in just under five months.
Also of interest
The terms of office of the bishops

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Senior (85) drove Rolli driver (77) dead

Bonn - Senior Drama: A 85-year-old driver was sitting in court, because he has the B9 run over a 77-year-old wheelchair. The disabled person had wanted to cross the road in Mainz.
It was one of ruins. The rescue workers are offered the evening of 21 June 2006 at the Mainzer Strasse in the amount of border to Rhineland-Palatinate a picture of horror.
Part of a wheelchair were scattered everywhere, a broken wine bottle lying on the street, a seat cushion, a few DVDs.
Midst of an old man seriously injured Harro S. groaned in pain. The ambulance took the 77-year-old fast in the university clinic. But it was too late: P. Harro died three days later for surgery to his head injuries.
What happened? Motorists of the electric wheelchair was struck before the accident. Harro S. was to roadside direction Mehlem go. At the height of the building Mainzer Strasse 343 of the Rolli driver suddenly began to cross the wide street.
On the median strip, he quickened his wheelchair with his arms, would have to make sure the other side erreichen.Fast he made it. But the Maruti Suzuki's 85-year-old widower from Mehlem caught a wheelchair shortly before his goal.
The accident driver: "I was driving on the right track. Overtaking blocking my view. I drove 70 things properly. Despite the wheelchair brakes on impact, was thrown into the air. "
The 85-year-old has also because of the terrible accident, health problems, he lay in intensive care. Because of a heart attack, the trial had to be moved first.
Judge Susann Ulbert now closed the case for manslaughter because of one little fault. The Suzuki rider only has to cough up a fine of 2500 euros.
The reason: An appraiser has come to the conclusion that it was an accident. The car expert: "It is not for speeding. The accident was only less than 63 cases have been avoided. A delayed reaction is not detectable. "

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bohlen-flight to Majorca

Tötensen - Dieter Bohlen (53) makes the bend. He says adios Germany and retires. The music producer feels is not safe anymore. The attack on him and his girlfriend Carina (23) has left deep wounds.
"I will not sell the house in Tötensen. But our new home is Mallorca," Bohlen said the magazine "Revue". The Spanish island has for years been the preferred strike-off island.
The 53-year-old feels comfortable and can work better in Mallorca. "Everything is more fun to me if I dig with my big toe in the sand and can hear the rushing of the sea."
Bohlen wants to be free - and therefore also to buy a house: "dispossession clears her mind," said Bohlen, who looks around for a suitable rental property. Carina thinks it's great. Both even superior, "not even a car to have." Two bicycles would hand him ...
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Dieter Bohlen - the pictures

Friday, February 5, 2010

Degerloch is a gold mine for the Fortuna

Stuttgart - Just after the final whistle the stadium's director played the 80's classic "Nothing's gonna stop us now a".
This music was probably more dedicated to the guests. For when Fortune always plays like it's 4-0 in the reserve of VfB Stuttgart, it would be really hard to stop.
The troops of Norbert Meier delivered the best performance of the season. "Everything has worked very well. We played very disciplined, both forwards and backwards, "enthused Düsseldorf Trainer.Bereits after nine minutes it became apparent how the day would pass. Fortuna verballert in the first round had the 1-1 draw against Bayern II almost everything, enforced Axel Lawarée cold this time for leadership.
The Red and White traveled with many worried their fans after a cheerful Fußballtag. Fortuna controlled the game, did not permit any real chance of Stuttgart and front passed gas. Logical consequence: it 2-0 six minutes before the break. Clement started by Halet, chasing one-Manni Kaltz Memorial flank into the penalty area, which recovered Moritz Volz with a headed torpedo. Meier: "A herausgespieltes toll gate."
After the victory was never jeopardized, and Ahmet Cebe anxious after the break, the rest First, he took out the penalty that led to 3:0 (Jens Langeneke changed), then he looked after the 4-0 itself. Thus Fortuna has made two appearances in Stuttgart (there were already shot out a 2-0 win at the Kickers) six points and goals in the 6-0 Gazi-Stadion. "I would not mind playing if we are always here. Finally, the namesake of the stadium is indeed a Turkish producer of dairy products, "Cebe grinned and added:" Today I am thrilled. The kicker here was great, but we have accepted anything. "
Even Stephan Sieger noted that in Degerloch this year, especially going well for Fortuna: "This is a very good hunting ground for us. Too bad this season that we are not here anymore. "